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How To Grow Peas In Containers Or Pots

Reading Time: 8 minutes
Equipment | Light and Temperature | Containers | Harvesting

Everyone should taste the flavor of freshly picked Peas, it’s truly something special. It’s very easy to experience the fresh picked flavor yourself, as Peas are one of the easiest vegetables to grow. So simple that you don’t even need a garden, as Peas are perfectly suited to growing in containers or pots. Moreover, growing quickly and easily makes Peas a perfect vegetable to share the experience of growing with children. You get a delicious harvest fast. For those of us living in temperate and warm zones, we can even get 2 crops of peas per season.

How to Grow Snow Peas in Containers or Pots

To grow Peas, you’ll need potting soil, a plant pot, a sunny space like a patio or balcony, and your favorite seeds. It’s that simple.

Make a start at growing your own Peas today by reading more about how to grow Peas in containers or pots.

What Equipment Do I Need To Grow Peas In A Container Or Pot

No matter what vegetable you’re growing on your balcony or patio container garden, you need a small set of tools to help. They just make it easier to take care of your potted plants. My list includes a few of these tools and supplies that you’ll need for all your container gardening. Take a look at my detailed article “Essential Container Gardening Tools” for loads of ideas, however I’ve got a good summary below:

What Type Of Peas Should I Grow In Containers

You can grow every variety of Pea in containers. Peas come in 3 main varieties: 

  1. English Peas (Shelling Peas)
  2. Snow Peas
  3. Sugar Snap Peas

English Peas sometimes called Garden Peas or Shelling Peas are grown for the peas in the pods. The pods are not edible, well you can eat them, but they’re tough and stringy. Typically you open the pods (shell the peas) and find plump sweet peas inside.

Snow Peas – the whole pod is edible. The pod is sweet and so are the tiny peas inside. These are delicious eaten fresh.

Sugar Snap Peas are a cross between English Peas and Snow Peas. The peas can be shelled and the pod can be eaten.

Most Pea varieties have a vine habit and so require a little support, however there are some varieties that are ok unassisted. So as a general rule, you’ll need to use canes, a frame, or wires to help support the plant. Have a look at your local store for a guide on varieties that will grow well in your area.

What Size Container Do I Need To Grow Peas

As I mentioned earlier, most Pea plants need support so a container with enough room is a good idea. As a simple rule, you need a 2 gallon (8 liter) container or planter bag (grow bag) to grow Peas. A wide container is best as this gives you room for support canes or a frame. At this size, you can plant 4 Pea seedlings in each container, as the plant does not have a large root system.

You can buy purpose-made planter bags (grow bags) or just use any medium-sized container or pot. It’s the size and ease of handling that makes the right container. I’ve had success with both planter bags (grow bags) and medium-sized plant pots. Use whichever you can find easily.

There is an alternative way to tackle the Pea support issue though, you can grow your plant upside down. The Pea isn’t actually upside down, you place your container (pot) above the ground on a ledge and let the Pea plant grow down and hang over the side. This way you harvest from the bottom up. Using this method, you could even plant in a hanging basket.

When Should I Plant Peas

Peas grow best in cool weather, when the air temperature is between 55 F (13 C) to 65 F (18 C) degrees. A simple rule is to plant your Peas early enough in the spring so they mature while the weather is still cool. If you live in a temperate zone, this means early spring. If you live in a warm zone, you may even plant in winter. 

Temperate zone, plant a second crop in the Fall (Autumn)

Planting Peas in containers or pots enables you to control the temperature by moving the whole plant.  You can start them off indoors on a window sill or porch and move them outside once the weather is warm enough. You can move them indoors once it’s too warm outside.

Using containers (pots) lets you easily succession plant. Add a new Pea plant every 2 weeks until the weather becomes too warm. This will extend your growing season and harvest.

How Many Peas Will I Get Per Plant

This is a rough guide, and depends on a lot of factors, so this is my best effort to provide a good answer. If you plant 4 Pea plants in one 2 gallon (8 liter) container (pot), you can expect 10 ounces (300 gm) to 14 ounces (400 gm) of Peas. You can get more if you can keep the plant cool and happy for a longer time.

How Many Pea Plants Should I Plant

It’s really a factor of how many peas you want, and how much space you have available. Realistically, you should plant enough containers to give you a nice fresh crop and some left over for freezing or canning. I recommend 4 Pea plants per container (pot) of 2 gallons (8 liters). At 10 ounces (300 gm) per container (pot) by as many pots as you have space for. You decide.

How To Plant Peas In A Container

Using some organic potting mix, fill your containers 1 third full. Fill your container the rest of the way with organic compost, right to the top.  

As a simple rule, plant your Peas seeds 2 inches (5 cm) deep and 2 inches (5cm) apart from the other seeds. Pea plants do not have a large root system so they can be close to each other. My 2 gallon (8 liter) container will have plenty of room for 4 seeds.

Fertilizer at the time of planting is optional, however if you want to fertilize add fish blood and bone meal and mix it into the potting mix layer before adding the organic compost. 

Once the seeds are in the compost, all that’s left is to water them in. Keep the soil damp, but not saturated. Water little and often. 

How Do I Care For Pea Plants

Peas like to be watered regularly, that means little and often. I recommend watering in the morning before the heat of the day or in the evening as this gives the soil time to absorb the water before the heat of the day. Watering at these times actually helps the plant retain water. Water the soil and not the Pea plant itself. Water until you see it draining out the holes in the bottom of your container. This way you know water has reached the roots.

If you want to fertilize as the plants are growing, and some growers think this makes all the difference, you can. Try using a liquid Kelp Organic fertilizer. Apply this every 2 weeks or in line with the product instructions.

Growing Peas in containers or planter bags actually helps you control pests. Pests that naturally live in the soil in your garden, can’t access your container. Flying pests like Aphids will still find your Pea plants, however you can control these by spraying your Potatoes with dilute household detergent. Caterpillars, just pick them off by hand.

How Long Do Peas Take To Grow

Peas take between 10 to 16 weeks from planting to your first harvest, depending on the variety. As we do with Bean Plants, harvest pods regularly to keep new crops coming. Regular picking will encourage your plant to produce more flowers and pods.

How Long Do Pea Plants Produce For

As mentioned above, Peas like a cooler climate and they like to have their pods picked. So, as long as it’s not too hot or cold and you regularly pick your Pea pods, your plant will continue to produce more flowers and pods for you.

Leave some pods on the plant to ripen and dry. Collect these for seed.

What Type Of Container Is Best To Grow Peas

Peas can happily grow in any type of pot or container, whether it be terracotta, plastic, or in a fabric pot or grow bag. Each planter will have different properties, which you will need to consider when growing your Peas. For instance, Terracotta pots may dry out faster and require additional watering compared to plastic pots, while dark-colored plastic pots tend to absorb heat faster than other container types, requiring additional protection from the sun.

Regardless of material, it is important that your pot or container is large enough to support your variety of Pea plant and has room for your plant support. Peas require adequate drainage, so you may need to cut or drill additional holes into your pot or container. Here is my container size guide.

Fabric pots, or specialty Grow Bags, are a popular option for those growing from home. They come in a wide variety of sizes to support any size of Pea plant, allow plenty of space for breathability and drainage, and are easier to relocate than heavier pots such as terracotta or clay.

How Do I Harvest Peas From My Container Garden

Always harvest Pea pods from the bottom of your plants first. The Pea pods at the bottom of the plant are the most ripe. If you’re growing Peas your upside down, in a hanging basket or with your containers on a shelf, then harvest from the part of the plant closest to the base of the plant first.

Take your time to hold the stem of the plant near the pod before trying to snap it off. You don’t want to damage the plant. You’ll know when the peas are ready as they’ll look like the pods on the seed packet: English Peas swollen and plump, Snow Peas broad and shiny.

Pea Flowers And Pods On Vine
Pea Flowers And Pods

Remember, you should harvest your peas regularly as this encourages the plant to produce more flowers and pods.

At the end of the season, dig the plants into the soil so that they can add valuable nitrogen.

How To Store Peas After Harvest

After your family has enjoyed your fresh peas and you’ve given surplus to family and friends, how do you store the rest? You’ve got 2 choices, either freeze your Peas in bags or preserve them by canning. Both options result in something delicious, after all you grew them.

Shelled Fresh Peas In A Bowl
Shelled Fresh Peas In A Bowl


For us modern city living folks, growing your own vegetables is completely possible and easily achievable as long as you have a sunny porch, balcony, or patio. You can even grow indoors. My point is, you do not need a lot of space, you just need the will and then go and do it.

Growing your own Peas in a container or pot is one of the easiest vegetables you can choose. Pea seeds germinate easily and grow quickly. Peas plants take little effort to care for. You are rewarded by eating your own delicious Peas in 10 to 16 weeks and they have a long season. Quite simply, Peas are one of the easiest vegetables you can grow. I’d love to hear about your experience.

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Essential Container Gardening Tools
How To Choose The Best Potting Soil For Your Container Garden
How To Grow Vegetables In A Small Space

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